New Citadelle Des Morts Details Revealed via CODPOD Episode 04. Not only will we be getting a new map to play with the update but a new Perk, new GobbleGums, a new Field Upgrade, new elemental Wonder Weapons, and an Ammo Mod.
Associate Director Kevin Drew joined the CODPOD today to discuss the upcoming features and mechanics coming to the upcoming France-based map.
New Citadelle Des Morts Details Revealed via CODPOD
4 Elemental Sword Wonder Weapons
Map will feature 'Magic' heavily
'Tesla Storm' Field Upgrade
'Light Mend' Ammo Mod
'Vulture Aid' Perk
'Vulture Aid' Perk Returns
The "new" Perk will be Vulture Aid, which was last seen in Buried for Black Ops II. This Perk causes Zombies to drop items. These might include Ammo, Armor Plates, or Salvage.
This will be a welcome addition as Ammo often feels hard to come by, or extremely expensive as you go up the Pack-a-Punch tiers. The Perk Machine has had a makeover and now features a huge Vulture.
'Tesla Storm' Field Upgrade Also Returns
Tesla Storm is also making a come back in Black Ops 6 Zombies Season 01 Reloaded. It turns the player into a living "Tesla coil" electrocuting any nearby enemies, shocking and damaging them around you.
When playing with other players, Tesla Storm will chain to nearby players and cause an electrical link to form that deals additional damage and shock.
New 'Light Mend' Ammo Mod
Light Mend is a brand-new Ammo Mod never seen before. It's main focus is healing. Once activated, killing zombies will spawn little "health orbs" that remain on the ground until you need healing, when they will levitate to your body. Friendly players can also take advantage of these health orbs.
Three New GobbleGums
Powerkeg - Drops a 'Full Power' Power Up
Holiday Cheer - Zombies will spawn with festive clothing.
Time Out - Stops the Round and gives you a break.

Four Elemental Wonder Weapons
Citadelle Des Morts will feature a sword Wonder Weapon that can be upgraded to one of four Elemental upgrades like Fire, Ice, Electric - much like the bows in Black Ops III's Der Eisendrache.
The Sword Wonder Weapon will utilize the dedicated Melee slot that Black Ops 6 Zombies has.
Magic / Arthurian Setting
Citadelle des Morts will feature the use of magic extensively. What that exactly means remains unclear but we can expect ancient lore looking at the origins of the Dark Aether.
It sounds like the Zombies goes over at Treyarch have been influenced by the mythology of King Arthur, round tables, Merlin, and other fantasy-realm environment.
Citadelle des Morts will be available from December 5, 2024.
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